
2018巴基斯坦第十五届亚洲国际工程展览会 卡拉奇会展中心B02展位 我们恭候您的光临

2018-01-10 642 分享
您好!3月13日为期三日的2018第十五届亚洲国际工程览会(ITIF asia 2018)将在巴基斯坦卡拉奇拉开帷幕。本次展会是烟台顺达国际化进程的重要一步,我们将以饱满的热情、优秀的产品、先进的技术迎接全球新老客户的光临。

Dear Friends,
It is our great honor to invite you to come to the ITIF asia 2018 held in Pakistan on March 13-15, 2018. Attending this exhibition is the most important step for Shunda to the global market in 2018. Shunda will present excellent PU products and advanced PU technology with a great passion to welcome our customers.
Looking forward to seeing you at Karachi Expo Centre booth #B02.

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